Saturday, October 10, 2009

Scarecrow Festival???

So, I mentioned in my last post about our Saturday plans ending up being not what we planned after all. Well, today we went to the scarecrow festival in Chappell Hill, Texas. It's about an hour or so drive from here, and Rob's mom is on the way so we picked her up and headed out. I had seen a blurb about it in my Southern Living magazine, and thought it sounded like fun. There was supposed to be a petting zoo and pony rides for the kiddos. Well, they should really call it the scarecrow market- 'cause it was just a bunch of vendors selling stuff! Don't get me wrong, we made the best of it & ate plenty of what I would call "fair food", but the funny thing was that we maybe saw a handful of scarecrows. Molly did some shopping and found a metal rooster she loved...

She's a true Texan! He was wearing a cowboy hat & boots.

Since Molly says a "t" for every "c" sound, she was calling the scarecrows "staretows" & wanted to touch them. (You know, all three of them that were there!)

Cutest "staretow"...

We had great fall weather today, and really enjoyed spending family time together. It was a good day!

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Love the picture of her with the metal rooster. Too cute!
