Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rainy Saturday

I realize it has now taken me over a week to get back to this- what can I say? It's crazy around here! Anyway, these last two weekends we've had big Saturday plans that have ended up being a bit of a disappointment. Last Saturday, we had planned to go to National Night Out and see firetrucks, ambulances, and police cars: something we knew Molly would love. As we drove to the park, it began to drizzle, but by the time we got to the park and loaded Molly in the stroller the rain started to get heavier. Long story short, they were shutting it down when we got there. We had planned to meet our friends there and then go to dinner, so not wanting to give that up we decided to try to kill some time. (Not too easy with 2 two-year-olds!) We tried to go to the children's museum at the mall, but it was closed, went into the mall to ride the carousel and it was closed too. Eventually, we all ended up at the pet shop & the kids had lots of fun. Molly really liked the birds and the turtles, and never knew or cared that our plans turned into a mess! Here are some pictures from that outing...

At the closed carousel

In the pet shop

1 comment:

  1. So glad you've learned the art of making do! It can be hard with the little ones- but Molly seems to go with the flow fairly well.

    Keep the posts, I love it!
    Chrissy K, VA
